Tag Archive | rainyday

Pasta Planes

What you will need:
-Variety of uncooked pasta
-Acrylic paints
-Paint brushes

How to make:
Glue the manicotti to the center of a lasagna noodle. Next, add a tail wing. Break a fettucine noodle into three equal lengths and glue them to the top of the manicotti. Center and upright rigatoni to the fettucine base. To finish the nose of the plane, glue a pasta shell or elbow macaroni over the open end of the manicotti. Then, fashion a propeller by gluing on two short pieces of fettucine or a single bow tie pasta. Let glue dry. Once construction is complete, paint stripes, numbers or symbols. Your project is complete! Your planes can be used to play or display. You can even tie them to the ceiling using a string.

Finished Project

“Sick Day” Craft

Our second craft of the day, I wanted to do something with the kids hand prints. At first, I thought paint BUT I was unsure of the mess it would make and if it would really wash off because it was dollar store finger paint, so we decided to go with crayons. This is what we came up with and even though it is not “perfect” I still love it

Pencil Holder

So, it has been a long time since I posted but I have felt inspired thanks to Pinterest to begin crafting again! I made this with the help from my son who is 8yrs old. We took and old pillow case and hot glued it to a tin can. EASY PEASY!!

Stone Placemat with custom Initial

I have finally finished my first place mat! I will include the tutorial so ya’ll can make your own too.
Items you will need:
plastic canvas
rocks (multiple colors or just one)
hot glue

First I took the regular place mat and placed the plastic canvas on top of it, gluing it down. I then took the other place mat and placed it on top. This step gave the mat extra strength to withstand the weight of the rocks. You don’t necessarily have to do it this way, any way you feel works best will do.
Then start gluing the rocks (this is the part that takes lots of time). I first glued around the edges then did my middle letter and worked from there!